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The Safeguarding Team at The Academy of Woodlands have a duty to monitor children who have been identified as having welfare or protection concerns and will notify Children’s Services as soon as possible when there is a significant concern or risk to a child. 

If you have any concerns about your child or any other pupil in the school, please speak to:

Disclosures from pupils are referred to the designated adult responsible for Safeguarding. 

All cause for concerns must be made via email using:  when you send a concern, please put a date and time in the email.  An acknowledgement will be made to any emails sent; if you have not received a reply please follow this up.  

The Senior Leadership Team and Inclusion Team will have responsibilities regarding children under Social Services or with Child Protection issues. 




Please click the buttons below to view our Policies pages, where you can find the below policies relating to Safeguarding.

Rivermead Inclusive Trust Policies

  • Safe Recruitment
  • Staff Code of Conduct
  • Managing Allegations Against Staff
  • Online Safety

Academy of Woodlands Policies

  • Safeguarding Policy
  • School Behaviour Policy

Safeguarding Children 

Key Numbers for Referral 


Are you confident you know what to do if you have a safeguarding Concern? 


  • Initially, you should follow the school's referral procedures. Complete a MyConcern incident referral and select to alert the Designated Safeguarding Leads. Follow this up by telling a Designated Safeguarding Lead that you have done this. 


  • Expect to receive some feedback from a Designated Safeguarding Lead about what has been actioned on your referral. If you do not receive feedback then go and ask for some. 


What should I do if no Designated Safeguarding Lead is available? 


  • Use one of the following methods to raise your own referral. Do not wait until the next day


  • The Medway Council - Concerned about a child form, accessible from the following link:


  • No Name consultation line: Tel 01634-331662 - This is an advice line where a social worker will tell you if your concern warrants further action. 


  • First Response: 01634-334466 - This is the number to phone to refer a child who you believe is at risk of or has been harmed in some way (physical, emotional, sexual abuse or neglect).


  • Out of hours emergency line: 03000419191 

Helpful Links

Remember safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility 

Please see below for Newsletters as well as other Safeguarding news: