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  • Last Year R 2024 Tour

    Published 11/12/23

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

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  • Swim! Chatham assembly

    Published 01/12/23
    Dear Parents,    Time for some Olympian inspiration!    Becky Adlington, Double Gold Medallist Olympic swimmer visited our school today. She spoke to the children about water safety, her Olympic career, and the br
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  • KMFM Be Bright, Be Seen

    Published 30/11/23
    We welcomed presenters from KMFM breakfast show to our school. They delivered some reflectors which will be given to some of our children to ensure they are visible in the darker mornings and evenings. Thank you to Ms Adams for making this applicatio
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  • Catering company Q & A visit

    Published 30/11/23
    The catering company are putting on a drop-in day to help parents with using the system. Please feel free to come along. It is being held in the Arts Centre.
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  • Christmas events

    Published 30/11/23

    Please see attached a table of upcoming events for the Christmas period 

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  • Diwali Assembly

    Published 17/11/23

    Our wonderful children took PRIDE and came TOGETHER to COMMUNICATE  and present an assembly to the whole school about Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Light. The whole school showed EMPATHY and understanding towards other cultures and traditions as well as RESPECT in listening and asking questions for more information.

    Please see the video below :

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  • Year 6 Sex Education Power points

    Published 13/11/23

    Please see attached the power points for Year 6 Sex education talks they have every year. Consent is always requested for this first, this is just being uploaded for information purposes.

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  • Press Release

    Published 02/09/22
    Please see below for the latest press release from the Academy of Woodlands.
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  • New Arrangements - September 2022

    Published 21/07/22
    Please find attached letter with important information about new arrangements for September. Kind regards School office
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  • Wasps Update

    Published 21/07/22
    Please find attached letter with a Wasps Update. Kind regards School Office
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  • School Meals App

    Published 31/05/22

    School Meals App

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  • Smart Watches

    Published 26/05/22
    Smart Watches We are writing to inform you that Smart Watches are no longer permitted in class due to the accessibility of messages and photos through these devices. If you require your child to wear a Smart Watch to and from school, the
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